Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @nytimes: Think Pluto is far away? This new world is more than 3 times as far out. Thus, the discoverers call it Farout.…
RT @classiclib3ral: Starting to suspect Mexico isn't going to pay for the wall
RT @lolaescreva: Preciso dar crédito a @felipeneto q 2 anos atrás foi um dos 1os a reconhecer a perseguição q eu sofria e teve a coragem de…
RT @NiemanReports: Of the 28 journalists jailed this year on fake news charges throughout the world, 19 were in Egypt, according to @pressf…
RT @FrankPasquale: The consent decree requires Facebook to be vigilant to “privacy problems and try to solve them. Cambridge Analytica made…
RT @SavvyOlogy: Woooowww. I'm just finding out that apparently @HauJournal doesn't *actually* believe in #openaccess. Hau has BLOCKED sev…
RT @TiinaMSandberg: Mitäs jos kiellettäisiin prosentuaaliset vertailut silloin kun puhutaan tuloeroista? Kun rikkaimmat ja köyhimmät saava…
RT @dansinker: Amazing opportunity for three White House interns to dress up like ghosts and change history.
RT @theintercept: Google has been forced to shut down a data analysis system it was using to develop a censored search engine for China aft…
RT @anacronices: um bom enquadramento faz toda a diferença
RT @TheEconomist: As inequality grows, so does the political influence of the rich
RT @_pocketss: gotta put self-care dog here #art #comics #selfcare #depression
RT @TeivoTeivainen: Soldiers of Odin in #Brazil. Finnish cultural exports include not only heavy metal and belief in public education but a…
RT @ggreenwald: In the US, Trump also tried blocking critics on Twitter until a court ruled that it was unconstitutional for him to do so a…
RT @coenesqued: Why do I feel like Disney is telling me it's a spoonful of sugar that sharpens you up for a bit of the old ultraviolence. h…
RT @joaopaulomst: Viva o Natal e solidariedade, Viva o papai Noel e Popular com nosso amigo Tody nas ruas de Guaianazes SP!…
RT @Peters_Glen: Some people love negative emissions, others hate them... Some people think 1.5°C is impossible, others think it is a matt…
RT @TeivoTeivainen: #Kainuu, kapitalistinen #maailmanjärjestelmä ja #antroposeeni yhdistyvät Tero Toivasen väitöskirjassa. Nyt ilmestyi väi…
RT @EricHolthaus: Decades of evidence shows that making more cars and building our cities to accommodate them are bad ideas for almost ever…
RT @BradBirdA113: 100 years old and still 100% fresh.
RT @gfouche: And the award for burying bad news late on the Friday before Christmas goes to ... Norway’s oil and energy ministry: Norway t…
RT @mariapetterss0n: En ole ihan varma, ovatko nämä equally annoying. #tokio #japani #metro
RT @c_harig: General Heleno - ex-force commander of the UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti & member of Bolsonaro's government - on the use of…
RT @DLBiller: Coming to Rio: Marksmen, drones and 30,000 security cams. Many everyday folks are optimistic about the governor-elect's "slau…
RT @fiskargubbe: orimligt stark scen fr frankrike när ngn jagar iväg polisen med en JULGRAN