Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @Cecillia: O MBL considera o novo coordenador do ENEM "Um maluco completo", "Lunático, conspiratório, fora da realidade”. Quem sou eu pr…
RT @JustinBrakeNews: Journalists at the camp haven't tweeted for hours. One journalist in Vancouver tells me they've lost contact with thei…
RT @camposmello: Contrato do Ibama questionado por Bolsonaro gerou economia de 8%
RT @RuthHHopkins: This is heart wrenching. I just had a panic attack. Pay attention to what is happening at Unist’ot’en Camp. Communication…
RT @RuthHHopkins: Native American political prisoner Leonard Peltier has requested a transfer so he can be closer to his family and homelan…
RT @Suitpossum: Speculation: a popular game in which people waste electricity in order to reassign money between each other without produci…
RT @MazMHussain: As a non-rich person I pay basically the same taxes living in the United States that I did living in Canada. In return the…
RT @_ChaChaChance: Since hair can’t be preserved in fossils we can’t rule out the possibility that dinosaurs looked like this…
RT @AttuchLeonardo: Qual deveria ser a capital? A minha seria João Pessoa
RT @DonSergiones: Lista atualizada de comunistas: The NY Times The Economist Le Mond Intercept Alemanha Alckmin ONU Bill Clinton Madonna C…
RT @luciocaramori: Agora não adianta chorar pelo leite derramado, @DaniloGentili. Paga logo, otário.
RT @Dimmu141: Tämä mies on Halla-ahon avustaja. Sitten samat henkilöt ihmetelle miksi muut puolueet eivät halua tehdä yhteistyötä persujen…
RT @dannysse: macho não perde a oportunidade de passar vergonha... Toda a força do mundo para @lolaescreva <3
@JariTervo1 Ei kuitenkaan polttanut?
RT @RioJonsson: As the first country in Europe, an organization in Sweden has taken the initiative to boycott Brazilian meat.…
RT @mpl_sp: "Jovens inauguram o primeiro protesto do governo fascista de Bolsonaro no Brasil."
RT @Cecillia: Juiz decide CONTRA acordo de pescadores, sem ouvir pescadores. Isso pq depois de formalizar os acordos, em 2018, a Samarco pe…
RT @Dimmu141: Suomi voi tarjoa naiselle turvapaikan.
RT @deolhonoagro: Gastos de apenas parte dos deputados atinge R$ 15,7 milhões, diante dos R$ 28,7 milhões que o ministro do Meio Ambiente,…
RT @SamCowie84: Brazil: Bolsonaro ally and Congressman Alberto Fraga (who hoped for a leading role in the government but was convicted of c…
RT @ggreenwald: The science on brain activity & social media - how dopamine is released from positive feedback (such as Twitter "likes"), c…
RT @George_Ganitis: @classiclib3ral I'm convinced most right wing takes come from some dope quote generator on the dark-deepweb they're hid…
RT @MiikkaKeranen: Kaivosta Viiankiaavalle jo teini-ikäisestä asti vastustaneesta Riikka Karppisesta kertova dokumenttielokuva #Aktivisti o…
RT @socioambiental: Grave invasão na Terra Indígena Arara! ⚠A TI, próxima à hidrelétrica de #BeloMonte, no Pará, é alvo de madeireiros e gr…
No nyt on taas joku sanonut asiat niin kuin ne ovat!
RT @HarriHoltta: 320 miljoonaa euroa #Talvivaara laitettuja veronmaksajien rahoja on varmuudella menetetty. Lisäksi Sipilän hallitus on sij…