Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @mah_13_: Nunca, nunquinha, um governo teve tantos filhos,
amigos e parentes técnicos. Os amiguchos e a parentalha
estão invadindo o It…
RT @alfonslopeztena: Ivanka: When Romans protested Caligula trying to appoint his horse to be Consul of Rome their concern was not that it…
RT @satuhassi: Vaikuttaa silta, että vuosi 2018 oli mittaushistorian kuumin. Meret ennätyslämpimiä ja niiden lämpeneminen kiihtyy, nyt 50%…
RT @jornalodia: EXCLUSIVO: Assassinos de Marielle e Anderson são agentes da Secretaria de Segurança. Clique e saiba mais detalhes! https://…
RT @lolaescreva: O q eu mais gosto é qdo reaças dizem q escolhem as pessoas pro governo baseado no mérito e na competência.…
RT @deolhonoagro: Valmir Nunes Januário tomou um tiro nas costas; chacina no dia 5 teve um posseiro morto e foi o primeiro grande conflito…
RT @submedia: Federal officials expected nationwide protest from RCMP action at Wet’suwet’en camp…
RT @theintercept: If the U.S. is to climb out of the moral abyss it has fallen into, it has to think well beyond Trump’s malice. It needs a…
RT @boomartins: Brazilian President has been deleting its own tweets now in order to defend his nominees for executive postings. Hey @Twitt…
RT @percolately: Wait, what?
RT @Info_Activism: Bitcoin Exposed Silicon Valley's Ultimate Aim: Making Money
RT @GeorgeTakei: When will he learn, the Internet is forever.
RT @alfonslopeztena: The last 92 Irrawaddy dolphins in Mekong River may not survive as a new dam is planned.
RT @bloodvex:
RT @bruceecurb: Arrests for the murder of city councilwoman Marielle Franco coukd take place this month, Rio's governor says…
RT @UOLNoticias: Vetada por Damares, criptomoeda indígena visava a encorajar economia local
RT @Breakaway_chi: #Acte9 of the #GiletsJaunes has been massive all over france today, bigger than last week. Easily over 100k took to the…
RT @vhautaka: Two sides of the same fascist crap. But no matter how hard you "purge", truth will come out
RT @ZJemptv: Jeeeesus christ this is bad. FUCK facebook.
RT @Peters_Glen: Canada has an impressive amount of hydro, nuclear, & growing renewables, yet still has amongst the highest CO₂ emissions p…
RT @snadinadi: PS-Nuorten puheenjohtaja sanoo: "On vaikeaa nähdä, miten erotettujen puheet voisivat toimia todisteena sen puolesta, mitä jä…
RT @my___wheelhouse: i'm sorry ms. jackson
pizzas for eels
RT @luciaguimaraes: The new director of ammunitions of the Rio de Janeiro Police once threw acid on his wife but, hey, that’s no legal impe…
RT @rubensvalente: "Delegado pede reforço policial após índios guaranis serem ameaçados de morte em Porto Alegre":
RT @Marxism_Wokeism: saw this on facebook
RT @Duarte_Cau: Os tentáculos d Olavo de Carvalho sobre 57 milhões d estud brasileiros
3 discípulos ocupam cargos…
RT @silviabttgr: - amigo de Bolsonaro
- amiga do Eduardo
- filho do Mourão
- cara que mandava fake news na campanha
Todos eles levando carg…
RT @azevedofonseca: Em verdade, eu diria que a mamata voltou às mãos de quem nunca a perdeu.
RT @theintercept: There is a real crisis on the border. It is centered on the evisceration of asylum laws. It is manifested in the tens of…