Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @tictoc: Scientists have cured 8 infants with the so-called Bubble Boy Disease, an extreme immune-system deficiency…
RT @angimoto: new friends
RT @JuhanaBrotherus: Ei ehkä parasta Suomi-kuvaa maailmalle.
The Finns Party is now as strong as ever, and more extreme. Its new leader o…
Microsoft ostaa vaikeuksiin ajautuneet Reino- ja Aino-tossut.
RT @yleuutiset: Finlayson ostaa vaikeuksiin joutuneet Reino- ja Aino-tossut
RT @TuomoKondie: Kun kuulin että Notre Dame palaa, ajattelin että höh, harmin paikka.
Nyt kun tätä aiheen ympärillä vellovaa sekoilua on s…
RT @ciminacional: Cacique Babau e representantes da comunidade indígena apresentaram sua história de luta por direitos, incluindo o acesso…
RT @CornellNews: Researchers from @CornellCIS, @Microsoft and @stonybrooku have collected and analyzed health-related internet search terms…
RT @ami_angelwings: Turns out we absolutely would download a car
RT @MrEugeneGrant: “It’s simply not right that aristocrats... and large corporations exercise more influence over local neighbourhoods – in…
RT @anukoivunen: Ns. vastamediakäyttäjiin kuuluu uuden tutkimuksen mukaan systeemiskeptikkoja, agendaskeptikkoja ja ns. satunnaisesti tyyty…
RT @TimoHar: Kumma juttu kerta kaikkiaan.
RT @LeVostreGC: Blade Runnere replicant teste but wyth memes: "Ye see sum bread, Leon. But ye are nat gettinge that bread. Why ys that, Leo…
RT @TommiHNieminen: Jotain tällaista tulee olemaan laatujournalismi 2020-luvulla, mutta hei, meillä HS:ssa jo nyt! Ylitetään kieli- ja kult…
RT @johanneskoski: Joidenkin viisastelijoiden mukaan PS:n kannatus vain nousee, jos:
A) kritisoi persupoliitikkoja tai persujen tekemää po…
RT @tejasdkulkarni: depth from unconstrained video (unknown camera parameters). the results look really impressive!…
RT @IAF__FAI: Dangerous developments in Chiapas. Hoping that this can be resolved without conflict or bloodshed. Military incursions are in…
RT @MarinaMiyazaki: O momento da prisão do professor que tentava defender q estavam sendo abordados pela PM em Uberlândia
Parece um pesade…
RT @anacernov: Para garantir q o Acampamento #TerraLivre #ATL2019 org pela @ApibOficial esteja fortalecido, é importante q a sociedade apoi…
RT @alfonslopeztena: The last known female Yangtze giant softshell turtle has died. It’s the world’s rarest turtle, brought to the brink of…
RT @NicDawes: Just 4 of the 11 mining companies we wrote to about attacks on activists responded, and the Minerals Council blithely insiste…
RT @gufalei: Manifesto de 18 povos indígenas para a proteção da Terra Indígena Karipuna em Rondônia. O bicho está pegando lá…
RT @Travis_Waldron: Brazil's @Estadao newspaper reports that another NYC venue -- this one on Wall Street -- has refused to host an event h…
RT @hattujaba: No tämäpä!
RT @Survival: America's best idea?
...Maybe not.
The disturbing history of the national park system explored here. Important to remember…
RT @ptkarvinen: Ja taas mennään:
RT @ellieeffie_: ✨🐉✨𝓪𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓬✨🐉✨
RT @GuajajaraSonia: A port. de Moro tenta nos intimidar e o presidente em sua live fala em nos integrar. Nos integrar a sociedade president…
RT @proindio: MPF recomenda intensificar fiscalização desautorizada por Bolsonaro Via O Eco
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