Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @hsfi: Nämä kuusi pankkiiria olivat rakentamassa finanssikriisiä ja samalla he itse rikastuivat – HS selvitti, mitä heille sen jälkeen o…
RT @Linnanahde: Salossa on todella iso kynttilätehtaan palo, josta leviää myrkyllistä savua Salon kaupungin suuntaan. Viranomaisten mukaan…
RT @lilialuciano: The thing with misinformation is you can defeat it with facts. Here are a few facts to inform some misleading tweets you…
Wasn't The Famous Salisbury Cathedral something Monty Python made?
RT @GuardianesBos: "Less than 10% of the resources for forest preservation are reaching our communities, -which are the ones that are actua…
RT @anneapplebaum: For any remaining doubters
RT @rasmusfleischer: [Copyriot] Inget är fritt, allt är filtrerat
RT @EFF: The practice of detaining citizens for online activity has become far too common. But advocacy and campaigns on behalf of imprison…
RT @derechosdigital: #SalvemosAlFake robo de identidad y criminalización de la parodia en Argentina…
RT @dominicsayers: As @tom_watson knows and used to say himself, this is a victory only for Big Content in its war against Big Internet. We…
RT @theintercept: Israel’s occupation has only become more entrenched — thanks in part to the cooperation of the Palestinian leadership ins…
RT @LauraHuu: Tourists. Tourists everywhere.
RT @matdryhurst: I was in a think tank a few weeks ago discussing this EU copyright reform and it is clear to me. The inexorable legislativ…
RT @FaiMujer: Don't Speak Truth to Power, Destroy Power : Pacifist capitalists project violent privilege onto the impoverished, the working…
RT @GuardianesBos: "We conducted this innovative research project to shine a spotlight on the destructive agenda of the ruralistas and to p…
RT @EmmaKari: Hallitus julkisti listauksen riskeistä, jotka ilmastonmuutos aiheuttaa suomalaisille. Ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutuksiin täytyy a…
RT @movie_goofs: Citizen Kane (1941) Plot hole The film is about a reporter (William Alland) investigating why Charles Foster Kane's (Orso…
RT @CCMSSAC: El 8 de septiembre fue asesinado el Marakame Margarito Díaz González representante del Consejo de Seguridad de Wirikuta. Lamen…
RT @jmkorhonen: Ongelma on järjestelmässä, jossa rikkaimmat ja omaa etuaan maksimoivat suuryritykset pääsevät vaikuttamaan politiikkaan. ht…
RT @rj_gallagher: NEW: Senior Google scientist resigns over plan to launch censored search engine in China. "I view our intent to capitulat…
RT @nictheshaderoom: A 9 year old Australian girl was suspended today because she wouldn’t stand during the national anthem. Her reasoning…
RT @GuardianesBos: Visit #ourvillageGCAS and hear the voices of indigenous and local communities committed to be part of the solution to #C…
RT @enough14: 17:43 Cops call people on the demo to go back to the road and march to the closing gathering. Instead protesters went on a fi…
RT @EliotHiggins: They liked it so much they visited it twice in two days for a few hours each time, taking a 90 minute train journey to ge…
RT @RossiTimo: Trump pystyy valehtelemaan jopa kerran minuutissa.
RT @submedia: Germany: Call for Solidarity from the Hambach Forest
RT @Survival: There's "no scientific basis" for the report saying dozens of elephants have been poached in Botswana - read what local cons…