Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @HanneleVestola: Kootusti konkreettisia ratkaisuja ilmastoasiaan, kiitos @hsfi! Keskiöön nousevat hiilinielut ja puun käyttö. "Suomi arv…
RT @moret_: "Quem é Roger Waters para falar sobre a política de outro país?", disse o brasileiro que dá pitaco sobre Trump, afirma que o ho…
RT @quedagrave: @1981annozero @gcanarchist @BRRN_Fed @libcomorg @ComradePitbull @subcom_carlos @anarcholang @IAF__FAI @_b_e_n_c_ @Makno20 @…
RT @SmithsonianMag: This stripy sock, discarded around the 3rd or 4th century, is a really old sock.
RT @Vt_Baroni: Os racistas de Bolsonaro, não vão derrotar a resistência africana, são 500 anos de muita luta e resistência. Axé mestre Moa…
RT @raquelrenno: Mapa da violencia eleitoral
RT @bruceecurb: A doctor in Rio Grande do Norte admitted ripping up the prescription of an elderly patient after he told her he voted for t…
RT @SamCowie84: Latest Brazil election polls
RT @luciocaramori: Não tenho medo do Bolsonaro. Tenho medo do apoiador dele q rasga a placa da Marielle. Do apoiador q esfaqueia um mestre…
@EliasAarnio The Brazilian police who have gained expertise on this subject by using the state of art knowledge pow…
@EliasAarnio In this pic you can see clearly that it is a universal and traditional Buddhist symbol, not a nazi sua…
RT @41Strange: Bram Stoker's original manuscript of Dracula bearing the original handwritten title for the work, The Un-Dead 🎃…
RT @MidiaNINJA: Jair Bolsonaro participou de outras entrevistas e faz lives de seu facebook. Mas na hora de enfrentar o debate... #Bolsonar…
RT @PatoCorporation: PUTAQPARIU Um procurador da república pedindo a prisão de Roger Waters do Pink Floyd por exibir EleNao e Bozo fascista…
I have just been educated that some of Bolsonaro´s supporters are not fascists but Buddhists. Who like to carve un…
@maikofigur @BrazilBrian #Brazilsplaining
RT @crisvector: Arregou do Debate porque “o médico não deixou” mas tem saúde pra ato público #BolsonaroAmarelou #bo…
RT @bruceecurb: Brazil's Far-Right Candidate Jair Bolsonaro Is Having a Bad Day by me & @lineoyamada #Eleicoes2018
RT @ambrowoll: Aleksis Kivi paljastaa: Suomi #poliisi #aleksiskivenpäivä #rasismi #etninenprofilointi
RT @tppereir: @telesurenglish Despite the rise of the far right, a black transgender woman was elected for the Party of Socialism and Liber…
Bolsonaro´s supporters carved a swastika on a body of a young woman who weared a shirt with a message against Bolso…
Trigger warning: hate violence - - - - Bolsonaro´s supported carved a swastika on a body of a young woman who weare…
RT @camillembaker: 💥 Trump’s response to the Times report on his tax fraud marks an important shift in his self-rhetoric. He’s no longer ca…
RT @AnthonyBoadle: Ex #PinkFloyd Roger Waters booed for anti-Bolsonaro "neo-fascism" criticism at São Paulo concert…
RT @joaogabrios: @gezielmachado @UOL o eleitor do Bolsonaro nessa eleição: - quis ensinar Bíblia pro Papa - quis ensinar Nazismo pra alemã…
The Brazilian fascist presidential candidate Bolsonaro´s supporters have pushed mansplaining to new limits: first t…
RT @CallMarcus: Viro ja ilmastonmuutos. Saataisiinko talkoilla kerättyä heille yksi ydinvoimala?
RT @AnthonyBoadle: Keiko #Fujimori, leader of the opposition in #Peru, arrested in money laundering probe looking at illegal campaign contr…