Pixelache Festival 2016 - 'Interfaces for Empathy' programme has been put together by an interdisciplinary team of artists, curators and researchers. The festival is co-directed by Mari Keski-Korsu and Petri Ruikka while the programming been supported by...
Pixelache Festival
Pixelache Festival 2016 is proud to present experimental housing for urban bees that is developed during 'Architectures for the Other Side Workshop' in the festival. The workshop is part of Melliferopolis Fest program that has events in Helsinki troughout...
Pixelache Festival
Pixelache Festival 2016 - 'Interfaces for Empathy' has published preliminary program. Please see it on this website. We are delighted to welcome all these great projects, processes, activities, events, experiments, workshops to the festival and hope all...
Pixelache Festival
Pixelache Festival is proud to support the production the first 3D camera obscura boat in the world! The project that will be presented in this year's Pixelache Festival in September and will see its launch in Lapinlahti former psychiatric hospital in...