VJ Action forum

Saturday afternoon will be devoted to the brave action men and women of video mixing. People who regard themselves as VJs from Finland, UK, US, Sweden, Canada and elsewhere, tell about their projects and share tips to creative working. Forum participants, whether they are involved in VJing or not, will get a kick-start into the current scene and possibilities of VJing.

Set up (10:00-13:00) (possibly during the introductory lectures)
Presentations (14:00-15:30)
Workshops, discussion (16:30-17:30)
Wrap up (17:30-18:00)

-- intro
14:00 VJ action forum, Petri Lievonen & Juha Huuskonen
pikseliÄHKY 2002 aftermath: piknik frequency, amfibio vj collective etc

-- vj software 
14:20 deKam + VDMX3
14:40 Simo Rouhiainen + Arkaos (Fluxville)
14:50 --

-- vj community
15:00 SAT[mix_sessions]
15:20 Toni Alatalo / Kyperjokki: PixelShox
15:30 --

15:30-16:30 break

16:30-17:30 workshops, discussions
- VJing with the Panasonic MX-50 with Marc-André [EXP3] Lapointe
- visualJockey software with VJ Fred [K-Project] Beaulieu
- Motion Dive software with Guillaume [Hein ? Moment Factory] Cardell

17:30-18:00 wrap up

In addition, there might be several special appearances on Saturday VJ action forum - we will keep the stage open!