pikseliÄHKY 2003 closing event consists of two live performances: a tactile-audio-video spectacle by Kalvo and mesq from Helsinki and a duo act by SOLU and dj mortenson from Barcelona.
The two fellows of Kalvo (Lasse Kaikkonen and Mikko Heikkilä) are known for their musically challenging and psycho-physically straining soundscapes. Recently they have driven it to the max by inviting Mesq (media artist Mika Meskanen) to enhance the experience with a custom-made video show. Mesq's live manipulation of theme footage in dialogue with the soundscape creates an intense journey into whatever they happen to aim at on the day of the performance, be it a celebration of early film experimenters or a tribute to the brave explorers, as it was in their recent performance.
Barcelona lends us the unconventional av-act of SOLU (Mia Mäkelä) and dj mortenson (Heidi Mortenson, DK). They stretch their audiovisual performance set from laptops, mixers and a DV camera to children's musical toys and even other gear such as telephone receiver to experiment with. Show's visual style is minimal, graphical, "low tech", pixel art. Essential energies!