Based on previous Camp Pixelache experiments, the event is designed around two main unconference days on June 7 and 8. It will be held on Vartiosaari, island located in the Eastern part of Helsinki. The event is free of charge.
The Camp Pixelache programme will include presentations, discussions groups, performances, thematic walks, workshops and other formats of events.
Typically like at unconferences the agenda will be shaped and confirmed by the attendees at the beginning of the event on Saturday 7.6. between 11-12. Anyone who wants to initiate a discussion on a commons-related topic, can claim a time and a space.
All workshops on Vartiosaari do not have any sign-ups in advance, but will be announced prior to the Camp.
> Get a glimpse of all the contributions proposed so far for the Camp Programme
> Click here for more instructions on how to contribute.